My Red Hunting Hat

The red hunting hat is used when the main character Holden is "hunting" down phonies. In reference to the text, he says "This is a people shooting hat . . . I shoot people in this hat"on page 22. Let's get to the bottom of this though. According many dictionary sources, a phony person is a fraudulent person. Fraudulent meaning not real right? Well if he's spying on people and not being straight forward, wouldn't that make Holden the phony? Correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears that Holden is contradicting his whole plan. If he wants to find out who's phony or not, he should look in the mirror. Holden and I are total opposites, some may disagree but I believe so. When I hunt down a person I try to find . . . I don't even know what I try to find. I don't even spy on people. BUT, if I ever decide to spy on people, I'll make sure I wear my red hunting hat!

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