Going in the Right Direction

What would I like to change? What do I like already? What don't I like? What do I want to continue? Hmmmmm? . .
Moving forward I would like to see more extra credit . . ? Is that negotiable? I like doing projects so more projects than just independent reading. Other than that not much modification needed. I like the class as is. I like the Independent Reading every thursday it helps me expand my vocabulary but it's just so hard to stay awake in the peace and quiet for 50 minutes after getting up at 5:15 for practice. But, that's a personal problem, something I have to work on. I like the unrelated ideas and stories you tell us. Even if they aren't curriculum related, they are still entertaining and informative. In example, the pennies. The pennies' value before 1982 I wouldn't have known unless you told us. I like how the girl came in that one day and did magic in front of the class, that was pretty cool. My favorite part of class is the scenarios you give us. It's really hard to stick to the morals we choose and you push it out of us, basically making us surrender. Overall, I like American Literature (English II) a lot.

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