John Proctor, Hero or Stooge

In my opinion, John Proctor is a hero. Although he did sin by being an adulterer, he wasn't guilty of witchcraft. He is a hero because he stood up for his wife and sacrificed his life for his wife. He also proved to be a hero by tearing the confession form and settling to be hung because he wouldn't lie to saying he did something he didn't. John Proctor is hero because of his pride more than anything. As I mention in choice five essay question, I think his last act was an act of pride. He had so much pride in himself he wouldn't ruin his name. It takes pride to sacrifice your life for your name to be "cleared". For the people like Hale that knew was not guilty of witchcraft told him to confess because he was a good man, but his pride wouldn't allow him have a bad name. It takes a hero to sacrifice their life and stand up to what they believe in. Because of him having flaws, he is not a perfect hero, he is a tragic hero. He's a tragic hero mainly because of the end of the book, particularly, the last scene where decided not to confess. It was tragic the way he died and how he died, but at the same time he is a hero for being man enough to stand up for what he believed in which was take the rope instead of having to live with lying on his conscience. John Proctor died  honored and respected man. He was honored and respected for his persistence freeing his wife and clearing his name. Everyone in class watched the movie and almost everyone felt remorse for his death. If he'd not been such a good person and a HERO, he wouldn't have gotten the sympathetic reaction he got.

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