Arrivals . . . revised

I've never really had to experience moving from neighborhood to neighborhood because I've been living in the same house since birth, but I can speak on moving into different schools and even different classes. When I transitioned from a normal elementary Owen Scholastic Academy school to Lindblom's Academic Center it took me a while to get adjusted to the high school environment and the rigorous activity. It was pretty hard to acclimated. Although the curriculum shocked me, it wasn't much of a culture shock. I was used to a diverse school. What surprised me the most about Lindblom was the changing classes every period. I was used to staying in one class all day, including during lunch. When I got to Whitney Young, I thought it was impossible to get to class on time when your classes are in 3 different buildings and you only have 5 minutes to get from building to building. 5 minutes is a very little passing period time comppared to 8 minutes at Lindblom.
Changing classes was a big transition as well. When I registered to go to WY, I chose all honors. In my opinion, that was the biggest mistake of my life. I don't know what I was thinking. It's my first year and I need to get acclimated first before I jump into the second to most rigorous level of education at the school. Since I chose all honors, I was overwhelmed and wasn't doing well. Therefor, I dropped Honors English II and took Regular English II. Although I planned on changing my classes, my counselor called my parents and told her I needed to change my classes which was very embarrassing. So now I'm in Mr. McCarthy's English II class which isn't far Mr. Locks class in rigor. The transition to this class was pretty hard as well because I was so far behind on everything and I'm still finding out things the rest of the class knew from the first week.  

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