Fight to Save American Dream

As said in my article “The number of people living in poverty is increasing and is expected to increase further, despite the recovery. The proportion of people living in poverty has increased by 27 percent between the year before the onset of the Great Recession (2006) and 2010… Poverty is expected to increase again in 2011 due to the slow pace of the economic recovery, the persistently high rate of unemployment, and the long duration of spells of unemployment.” The american dream to most is to get a nice job and live a safe, free, and successful life. BUT with the world's poverty rate increasing and employment increasing, the american dream is becoming less and less possible. Four billion people report they've been unemployed for over a year. Four million people?!?! . . . and that's only the people that report it. That's crazy. Budget cuts have gotten ridiculous and plays a big role in unemployment. Inequality matters! As said in the article "If you get sick without health coverage, inequality matters. If you’re the only breadwinner and out of work, inequality matters. If your local public library closes down and you can’t afford books on your own, inequality matters. If budget cuts mean your child has to pay to play on the school basketball team, sing in the chorus or march in the band, inequality matters. If you lose your job as you’re about to retire, inequality matters. If the financial system collapses and knocks the props from beneath your pension, inequality matters."

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