Good V.S. Evil

The word "road" when used in literature, usually stands for a choice (I learned this in class when you always give us scenarios, choice of which way to go on the road was one of them). What I mean by choice is choosing which way to go, "Good Way" or "Evil Way". The route we choose to take, determines out result. Anyway, in the books they were tested often, specifically their morals and principles were tested. Depending on if they stuck with their morals or not will be the factor in determining good v.s. evil and not the road literally. If you stick to your morals and principles, you go down the good path, but if you get influenced to do otherwise, you go down the evil path. They are forced to survive in an area where everything is dead, destroyed, or damaged. They are facing cannibals, starvation, no shelter, earthquakes, etc; so it's very hard to stick to the good (which I explained was sticking to morals and principles). It's pretty hard to survive in a time like this. As much as I love life, I slightly respect the mother. Maybe it was too much for her. Of course this is fiction, but if it were real, I'm sure the father had thoughts about suicide. I'm not certain about him attempting to kill himself but I do know he was very close to killing his son. Although the father was down most of the time, the son still managed to find good in almost every situation or at least showed some type of sympathetic emotion when things were rough. In example when the boy and man were robbed, although a guy took all of their stuff, he still didn't want the man to freeze in the cold and die. He wanted his day to give the other guy his clothes back.

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